Rating Products Policy

Choosing Products Policy

Rating Basics :

3 StepLadders makes sure that we show our visitors best products can be found in the market, We do our researches and select Ladders based on these important concepts :

Price VS Quality : as it is so important that user should have the product that worth what has been paid for , So we do not focus on the price it self as we focus on making sure the 3 step ladders we show on our site worth it's price .

Manufacturer : it may sound non important but having a product that belongs to a proven good Manufacturer that uses high producing and customer serving standard makes a big difference as we belief .

Reviews : real product-reviews give a common sense about the product quality and how its practical, Also negative reviews specially are very useful as it discovers some defects in the product that may be unseen, Of course some reviews about various products over the internet are false reviews but we here in 3step ladders have a wide experiense in internet marketing and evaluating products, So we know how to mark it .

Our Rating : 

For every 3 step ladder we show in our site there is a rating based on all the above concepts, this rating can be found in the ladder page represented in how many stars the product has out of five stars.

Example : 

We asks you to pay attention that our rating is based on the previous mentioned concepts and it may not match yours, So we stimulate you not to take it as it is, And research the product yourself trying to come up with your own rating based on information provide on
3 step ladder. ,other websites,markets and stores or friends advice .